You are welcome!

четверг, 8 декабря 2016 г.

Careers in Psychology

There are many careers in psychology. Psychologists conduct research, serve as consultants, diagnose and treat people, test intelligence and personality.
As scientists, psychologists use scientific methods of observation, experimentation, and analysis. They develop theories and test them in their research. 
Clinical psychologists diagnose and treat mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Some clinical psychologists treat specific problems while others focus on specific groups.
Counseling psychologists help people recognize their strengths and resources to fight with their problems. They pay attention to how problem and people differ across life stages. 
Educational or school psychologists concentrate on effectiveness of  teaching and learning. They assess and counsel students, consult with parents and school staff. 
Industrial/organizational psychologists apply psychological principles and research methods to the work place in the interest of improving productivity and the quality of work life. 

Rehabilitation psychologists work with stroke and accident victims, people with mental retardation, and those with developmental disabilities caused by such conditions as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and autism.

воскресенье, 27 ноября 2016 г.

Writing Business Letters

Writing business letters is very important for normal business activity. Nowadays writing letters is more popular than ever before due to the Internet. In business people prefer to use e-mail than telephone communication, because it takes a lot of time to deal with the huge number of personal contacts. Besides, e-mail helps to work with foreign colleagues or international companies. Business correspondence serves to order a product, to provide or request information, to complain about something etc.
Sometimes business letters are written on printed company forms. The typical business letter consists of the following standard parts:
·       the heading (including the date)
·       the inside address
·       the greeting
·       the body of the letter
·       the complimentary close
·       the signature.
All these parts are separated with a double space. This way of typing letter on a computer is called the block format.
The heading contains the name of the company or a company logo, the postal address, the telephone number(s), the number of fax and e-mail address. Also the heading includes the date. The date is typed two spaces below the sender’s return address, always on the right-hand side.
The inside address is the address of the person or company receiving the letter. The name and address of the company to which a letter is written are usually typed on the left-hand side.
The greeting (salutation) follows two spaces below the inside address with the words Dear Sir(s), Dear Mr. Jones, Dear Ms Jones or Dear Dr Thomson. Very often comma is typed after the greeting.
Sometimes the writer places the subject line between the greeting and the body of the letter. The subject line helps to stress the purpose of a letter.
The body of the letter contains a message. The style of the business letter is formal. The language should be clear and natural. Sentences and paragraphs shouldn’t be too long. As business letters are written on behalf of a firm or company, the plural pronouns we and our are preferred to the singular ones I or my. Also the short forms such as we’ll or we’ve should be avoided in all formal letters.
The body of the letter consists of the introductory, main and concluding paragraphs. To separate different logical parts more effectively, additional spacing is used between paragraphs. In the introductory paragraph the author may refer to any previous correspondence or conversations, mention the sources of information and the reasons for writing the letter. The main paragraph gives information and facts concerning the subject of the letter. If there are some problems to describe in the main part, it is common to start a new paragraph for each idea or subject. In the concluding paragraph it is usual to express the hope for prospect collaboration or future success in business of the sender and correspondent.
The complimentary close is a way to express respect at the end of a business letter. The most common expressions used for the complimentary close are Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely.
A letter on paper should always be signed by hand and in ink, because a signature is a personal mark of the author. Below the personal signature it is necessary to type the name of the author, his position in the company or the name of the department he represents.
It is common to place the complimentary close, the personal and the typed signature on the left-hand side of the letter.
In a modern business letter, punctuation is used only in the sentences and in some abbreviations. There is no punctuation in the heading, the date or after the typed signature.
If there are enclosures, the abbreviation Encl. is typed in the bottom left-hand corner, with a short description of the enclosure (resume, price list, catalogue, copies of cheques, certificates, contracts, documents etc.).

воскресенье, 6 ноября 2016 г.

Higher Education in Great Britain Пересказ

The UK has a vast variety of higher education opportunities. Nowadays higher education in the UK is provided by universities, colleges of education, colleges of arts and colleges of further education.
There are 46 universities in Britain. The universities can be divided into three groups: the oldest universities (Oxford and Cambridge); the redbrick universities and the new universities.
Oxford & Cambridge Universities  are known all over the world and are the oldest and most prestig-ious universities in Britain. 
All British universities are private institutions. Every university is in-dependent, and responsible to its own governing council. 
University students are carefully selected. The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and good A-level results in at least two subjects are necessary to get a place at a university. 
The academic year in Britain is divided into 3 terms. 
The general pattern of teaching at the universities remains a mixture of lectures, seminars and tutorials. Each student has a tutor who is responsible for the student’s progress. Tuition fees are high. The students receive grants from public and private funds to pay for their tuition. 
After three years of study a university graduate will leave with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Science, Engineering, Medicine, etc. Later the graduate may continue research to get Master's Degree. It is necessary for a postgraduate to spend three years carrying out research and writing thesis for getting the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.  

пятница, 28 октября 2016 г.

Applying for a job

The happiness of any person largely depends on having suitable job. One may learn about a job vacancy in a newspaper, from a friend, from the employment agency or TV advertisement.
To apply for a job you are interested in, it is necessary to convince the prospective employer of your ability to do this job well. The first thing you should do is to prepare a resume (curriculum vitae – BrE). A resume should contain a summary of essential facts from your background: personal data, career objective, work experience, education, and references. You should emphasize your strong points in your resume. For example, if you have no job experience, stress your personal qualities (sociability, honesty, reliability, efficiency etc.) or educational background. A well-composed resume will make the prospective employer understand what abilities make you a suitable person for a particular job.
If you interest the employer he will invite you for an interview. Interviews are conducted on the various patterns: there are traditional one-to-one and group interviews, board or panel interviews (where
   an applicant is interviewed by a panel of interviewers), «deep-end» interviews which give a candidate the opportunity to demonstrate his skills and apply his knowledge.
To make a good impression on the interviewer it is important to find some information about the company you are going to work in. Besides, there are some rules of behaviour at an interview. For instance, when greeting the interviewer you should wait until he shakes your hand. Also, you shouldn’t sit down until he offers you to do that. In the interview it is common to avoid discussing personal, domestic or financial problems if you are not asked about.Interviewers can’t check applicant’s professional skills immediately, so, the first thing they are attracted to is the agreeable personality and friendly attitude of the interviewee. You shouldn’t criticize your former colleagues or employer: criticisms help to reveal your own negative qualities.
Interviewers are usually interested in qualifications of the candidate, his/her previous job experience, motivation and the reasons of applying for that job. In the interview you may ask questions too – about salary, probationary period, social guarantees, transport facilities to or from job, chances of promotion. But you should discuss the subject you are interested in after the interviewer introduced it.
It is clear that a job interview is a stress situation for any applicant. The majority of interviewees feel nervous, and not everyone is able to show his worth in the interview. But it is necessary to concentrate oneself for some time because the conclusion about the candidate is made within the first ten minutes of the interview.

суббота, 8 октября 2016 г.

Vocabulary "Youth Work"

  1. adolescent - подросток
  2. to meet a challenge - решать задачу
  3. centre-based youth work - работа в молодёжных центрах
  4. detached youth work - работа вне молодёжных центров
  5. outreach youth work - информационно-пропагандистская работа с молодёжью
  6. school-based youth work - работа с молодёжью в школах
  7. statutory youth worker - офицальный представителей соц. службы, работающий с молодёжью
  8. non-statutory youth worker - волонтёр
  9. outdoor education - дополнительное образование
  10. social educaton - социальное обучение
  11. informal education - неформальное обучение
  12. personal and socal development - личностное и социальное развитие
  13. to engage - вовлекать
  14. to encourage - поощрять
  15. managerial, analytical and consultng actvities - управленческая, аналитическая и консультативная деятельность
  16. to require - требовать
  17. requirement - требование
  18. to take place - происходить
  19. to support - поддерживать
  20. new and existing centres - новые и существующие центры
  21. distinction - отличие
  22. health service - сфера здравоохранения
  23. social services - социальные службы
  24. experiene - опыт
  25. to deal with - иметь дело с 
  26. public sector - государственная служба

воскресенье, 2 октября 2016 г.

Внеаудиторное чтение № 1 для первого курса

The Origins of English

     English is basically a Germanic language with a lot of Latin words in it. In simple terms, that means that the grammar and many of the most frequent words are Germanic, and the more formal or technical vocabulary is Latinate. There is much of this Latinate vocabulary that English is sometimes called a semi-Romance language.
     This linguistic mixture is a result of historical events. But the simple historical facts appear not to explain everything about the development of the language. One interesting question is why did the British not learn Latin from the Romans? After all, France, Spain, Portugal and Romania all kept the imperial language after the end of the Roman Empire. The answer may be the distance from Rome; the province of Britannia was on the wild and uncooperative margins of Europe. Although the Romans were here for 400 years, they did not leave very much behind them. It is hard to know how much the Celtic language of the Britons took on a Latin flavour. Actually its living descendant, Welsh, has a lot of Latin roots in it, so perhaps in the 3rd and 4th centuries AD they were on their way to creating another great Romance language. But it was not to be. The Anglo-Saxons who took over from the Romans in Britain were relatively untouched by Latin influences, so Celtic was replaced by Germanic, and the British romance with Romance was, temporarily, over.

     In 1066, the French-speaking Normans invaded England. Over the next 300 years, their French merged with Anglo-Saxon to create a new language: the writing of Chaucer (1343-1400) is not very far from modern English. As in the rest of Europe, Latin, especially in its written form, remained for a long time the language of science, philosophy and the Church. But English was growing stronger; it was soon not only the language of everyday life but also that of a flowering literature. Caxton introduced printing into the country in 1476, and that did much to standardize forms – spelling was very inconsistent at that time. Latin and Greek classics and the Bible were translated into English. By the time of Shakespeare (1564-1616), the language was highly developed.

The World’s Biggest Brand

Imagine a brand bigger than Nike, bigger than Gap, bigger than Coca-Cola. Imagine a brand used by 1.5 billion people the world over.
The brand is English.

How did English achieve global dominance? And what does it mean for the future of English and the rest of the world’s languages?
Why English became the number 1 language:

  1. Empire
     At its height, the British Empire included over one quarter of the world’s population and landmass. “Britain’s colonial expansion established the preconditions for the global use of English, taking the language from its island birthplace to settlements around the world,” says David Graddol, author and Open University lecturer.

  1. Adaptibility
     “We don’t just borrow words,” says writer James D. Nicoll. “On occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.”
     The fact that it came into contact with a multitude of other languages turned it into a kind of linguistic mongrel. English “borrowed” (some say stole) words from over 350 other languages, making it richer and more adaptable than other well-established tongues.

  1. America
     Even as the British Empire declined, the rise of the U.S. as a global superpower ensured that the English language continued on its path to world domination. TV, Hollywood, rock ‘n’ roll, and now the Internet are all foot soldiers in the march of the new lingua franca.

Why English is still number 1:
  1.  It’s the language of technology
     As the old joke goes, the international language of technology is “broken English”. And it’s true that technology plays an important role in the language’s continuing dominance. 80% of electronically stored information in the world is in English. According to the British Council, 66% of the world’s scientists read in English; and, of course, it’s the language of international air traffic control.

  1. It’s the language of business
     Whether you’re a Japanese executive on business in Brazil, a Mexican computer scientist at a conference in India, or a Norwegian tourist haggling in a Moroccan street market, you’re probably speaking English.
     There’s never before been a language that’s been spoken by more people as a second than a first language,” says English-language expert David Crystal, author of English as a Global Language.

  1. It’s a big business
     Britain alone boasts a 1.3 billion pounds English Language Teaching industry. It is predicted that by 2020 it will be the UK’s biggest export, earning 20 billion pounds a year.
     One of the fastest expanding markets is China. Although Chinese is the world’s top language in terms of the number of native speakers, the Chinese themselves are gripped by English Fever – they even have their own term for it: Yingwen re.
     “Crazy English” – a method developed by ex-newsreader, Li Yang – is taught in huge sports stadiums to classes of thousands. As one 12-year-old Chinese student puts it: “If you can’t speak English, it’s like you’re deaf and dumb.”

Two future consequences of English being the number 1 language:

a)      The impact on other languages
     “While there are obvious benefits in terms of global intelligibility,” says David Crystal, “on the other side of the coin, when you have one language that is so dominant, the other six and a half thousand languages in the world will naturally feel under threat.”
     Crystal has little sympathy for the anti-English sentiments of already-healthy languages such as French, Spanish and German, which are worried about the influx of English words into their lexicons. After all, openness to foreign-language influences is one of the factors that has resulted in English’s amazing growth.
     However, the threat of extinction is very real for other languages. “Something like half the languages of the world are so seriously endangered that they are almost certainly going to die out in the course of the present century,” warns Crystal. These languages must be protected for the same reasons we protect endangered animal species.

b)      The impact on English itself
     As for native speakers of English, their mother tongue has ceased to be under their control. Three quarters of English speakers are non-native, and that proportion is growing. “The population growth in countries where it is a mother tongue, like Britain, America and Australia, is about a third of the rate of the population growth in countries where it is a second language, like India, Ghana and Nigeria,” Crystal points out.
     The result of this is hard to predict, but it seems clear that these new English speakers are not simply learning the language – they are shaping it. If some Asians have trouble making that “th” sound, why spend hours trying to master it when they will be perfectly well understood saying “one, two, tree”? If you keep forgetting to add “s” in the third person, why not dispense with it altogether? Nobody is going to misunderstand you if you say: “My mother work in an office” – indeed, leaving out the “s” is perfectly well acceptable in the grammar of Jamaican patois.
     So does this mean that the next time you get your English homework back and it’s covered in red-pen corrections, you can explain to your teacher that you didn’t actually make any mistakes – that, as a non-native speaker of global English, you were shaping the language? We wouldn’t recommend it.
     But it is true that the international language belongs to you as much as anyone else. English is yours to keep. Try not to break it!

Пересказ "English as a world language"

English as a World Language
English is spoken as a mother tongue in England, the USA, Canada, Australia, India. Today, when English is one of the major languages in the world.
English has become a world language because of its establishment1 as a mother tongue outside England. Geographically, English is the most widespread language on Earth, second only to Chinese in the number of people who speak it. It is the language of business, technology, sport, and aviation.
People learn English as their native language or  as a second language in a society that is mainly bilingual. Some people learn it for a practical purpose – administrative, professional or educational. 
Basic characteristics of English are simplicity of form, flexibility and openness of vocabulary. 
Verbs now have very few inflections, and adjectives do not change according to the noun.
 Many nouns and verbs have the same form, for example,  walk, look, smile.
We can talk about water to drink and to water the flowers; a paper to read and to paper a bedroom. Adjectives can be used as verbs. Sometimes even prepositions  can operate as verbs
Openness of vocabulary involves the free admission of words3 from other languages and the easy creation of compounds and derivatives. 

вторник, 13 сентября 2016 г.

1-ый курс (КП, ОРМ) Д/з English as a world language

Answer the following questions:

1) In which countries is English spoken as a mother tongue?
2) Why has English become one of the major languages in the world?
3) When did the exporting of English begin?
4) Why do people study English?
5) Which of the three groups of English speakers do you belong to?
6) What is your reason for learning English?
7) What are basic characteristics of English?
8) What does the term “flexibility” mean?
9) What role does openness of vocabulary play in the English language? 10) What spheres is English used in as an international language?

 Learn words by heart:
  1. mother tongue / native language - родной язык
  2. major - основной, главный 
  3. foreign language - иностранный язык
  4. widespread - широко распространённый
  5. bilingual society - двуязычное общество
  6. purpose - цель
  7. simplicity of form - простота форм
  8. flexibility - гибкость
  9. flexible - гибкий
  10. openess of vocabulary - открытость лексики
  11. inflection - словоформа, окончание
  12. part of speech - часть речи
  13. verb - глагол
  14. noun - существительное
  15. adjective - прилагательное
  16. preposition - предлог
  17. derivative - производное слово
  18. compound - сложное слово
  19. tense - время
  20. singular - ед. число
  21. plural - мн. число
  22. a number of - количество
  23. to simplify - упрощать
  24. to involve - вовлекать, включать
  25. to belong to - принадлежать  

воскресенье, 8 мая 2016 г.

Youth movements Vocabulary

  1. to participate - принимать участие
  2. participant - участник
  3. to aciheve - достигать
  4. achievement - достижение
  5. to contribute (to) - вносить вклад
  6. to provide - предоставлять, обеспечивать
  7. to dedicate - посвящать
  8. to appear - возникать
  9. to spread - распространять (ся)
  10. to be associated with - иметь ассоциации с 
  11. to refer to  - относиться к 
  12. to play a part in - играть роль в 
  13. to belong to - принадлежать
  14. to found - основать
  15. to take up - начать заниматься
  16. ideological and political character - идеологический и политический характер
  17. religious education - религиозное образование
  18. open-ar tramping - бродяжничество
  19. cheap accomodation - дещевое жилье
  20. notorious - печально известный
  21. useful skills - полезные навыки
  22. a movement of middle-class students - движение студентов среднего класса
  23. membership - участие 
  24. compulsory - обязательный
  25. motto - девиз

суббота, 9 апреля 2016 г.

The History of Psychology Vocabulary

  1. influential  - влиятельный
  2. elaborate - тщательно разработанный
  3. significant - значимый
  4. creative - творческий
  5. constructive - конструктивный, творческий
  6. current - текущий, современный
  7. definiton - определение
  8. consciousness - сознание
  9. rewards and punshments - поощрение и наказание
  10. trial-and-error learning - обучение методом проб и ошибок
  11. theory of personality development - теория развития личности
  12. existence - существование
  13. unconscious motives - бессознательные мотивы
  14. freedom of choice - свобода выбора
  15. sense organs - органы чувств
  16. approach  - подход
  17. research - исследование
  18. researcher - исследователь
  19. importance - важность
  20. important - важный
  21. to launch - выпускать, запускать
  22. to broaden - расширять
  23. to draw attention to  - привлекать внимание к
  24. to encourage - ободрять, воодушевлять
  25. to neglect - пренебрегать
  26. to emphasize - выделять, делать акцент
  27. to propose - предлагать 
  28. to hide (hid, hidden) - прятать(ся)

суббота, 26 марта 2016 г.

The Role of Youth Vocabulary

  1. childhood - детство
  2. adulthood - зрелость
  3. right - право
  4. obligation - обязанность
  5. crucial segment of society - ключевая часть общества
  6. vital part of society - неотъемлемая часть общества
  7. to influence - влиять 
  8. attitude - отношение
  9. value - ценность
  10. mind-set - мировоззрение
  11. to determine - определять
  12. dynamic - динамичный
  13. approach to life - подход к жизни
  14. to prove - доказать
  15. powerful agents of society - действенные агенты общества
  16. generation - поколение
  17. to establish - установить
  18. to make an impact - оказать влияние
  19. voluntary youth organization - волонтёрская молодёжная организация
  20. opportunity - возможность
  21. adult-led organization - организация возглавляемая взрослыми людьми
  22. youth-led organization - организация возглавляемая молодыми людьми
  23. government and financial support - поддержка правительства и финансовая поддержка
  24. mutual understandng and respect - взаимное понимание и уважение
  25. to take actions - предпринять действие

воскресенье, 20 марта 2016 г.

The Role of Youth

The Role of Youth

Youth is the time of life between the childhood and adulthood (maturity). The age in which a person is considered a “youth”, and has specific rights and obligations under the law is from 13-14 years old to up 29 years old.
Nowadays youth is increasingly seen as a crucial segment of society. Youth is now believed to be a vital part of society, influencing, often forming and shaping its concepts, culture and policies. Their attitudes, values, mind-set, and priorities will determine the development of the society in the future.
Young people have always been dynamic in their approach to life. Due to their age and immature understanding, youths are always in search of ideal and values to get inspiration and basis for their life. They are ready to change themselves and have proved that they can be powerful agents of change. Today`s youth have a greater vision of the purpose of their life and what role they themselves can play in their own development. New generation youth has more awareness of their responsibility towards the development of the society.
The awareness of their role in the world is probably the main reason for establishing numerous youth organizations and movements. Youth movements provide an opportunity for young people to put their feelings and ideals into action, to make an impact on the world around them; by helping others and by building their land; and not least importance , to form connections with other young people around the globe whose ideals  match and complement their own.
Around the world there are hundreds and thousands of voluntary youth organizations. These organizations have various objectives, but there are some which are common to most of them, that is fostering and taking actions for mutual understanding and respect, democracy and human rights of people in general, and if youth in particular both locally and globally.
Some of youth organizations are adult-led and have government and financial support, for example: The World Organization of the Scout Movement,  The World Association of Girl Guides  and Girl Scouts, The World Alliance of Young Men`s Christian Associations  (YMCA), The World Young Women`s Christian Association (YWCA). There are also dozens of regional youth organizations, such as European Youth Forum or Asian Youth Council, representing the interests of youth in different regions of the world.     
The United Nations Organization has several programs particularly for young people. UNESCO`s objectives is to help empower young people, responding to their expectations and ideas, fostering useful and long-lasting skills. The United Nations Environment Program aims to provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.
Apart from adult-led organizations, there are many youth-led organizations.